
Design and assembly of a treatment service platform for CNC machines – Elbit

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Project Background

Elbit Systems has approached Automation Yeruham with a demand to produce a service platform for treatment And maintenance of CNC machines in their factory in a safe and accessible manner for its workers

What is the solution that we have developed for the costumer?

The professional team of our company designed a working pneumatically solution without the need for electrical command.
The stage Designed so that the employee can work in the most secure manner on the CNC machine and with greater accessibility.

The stage consists two railings:
– Railing for unloading and loading parts on one side
– Railing facing the service area of ​​the overall machine
The system consists of a pneumatic circuit that includes a system
Valves, pistons and safety switches Assembled on aluminum profiles

Advantages of the solution

– Significant savings in working time on a CNC machine
– Prevents the need to evacuate the service area for the purpose of testing efficiency
– Saving the amount of workers needed for these operations
– A clearer field of view of the work area during operation thanks to the transparent and ergonomic railings


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